Loft House

I made a miniature house that sizes to 26cm length, 28cm width, and 30cm height. The structure and every part of the house (including ladder, door, windows, floors) are all made from scratch, using materials such as foam board, balsa sheet, wooden sticks, and colored twine. The pieces are mostly assembled/connected by PVA glue, or glue gun if it needs to dry quickly(although I tried to avoid using it since it can get messy with smaller pieces). I used a cutting knife to cut the foam board or balsa into shapes I wanted.
In the making of this house, I focused on adding features that represented Japanese modern aesthetics, such as wooden tones/accents and minimalistic space that included greenery. Which is why I did not color any materials, and used fake greens to faintly dissolve the lighting wire within the space. The 1st floor has an elevated tatami floor, to include Japanese room characteristics.